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I coach in German and English with the specialist and methodological knowledge of a systemic therapist, democracy consultant, business administrator and office manager. My international mindset is fed by my many years of work and life experiences in the USA and Denmark. With the cultural experiences, I shape the working atmosphere and open up spaces for expression. 


I combine systemic and entrepreneurial knowledge with my creativity and reach people through my warmth and clear words.


I help to overcome speechlessness and to find words. Above all, I strengthen the voice of the people. I motivate them to express what they have not had the courage or opportunity to do before. If they find their expression, it can lead to new strength and effectiveness professionally and privately. These unfold to their own advantage, but also to enrich the environment.

Portrait Danielle Schönfeld

Ein Gespräch ist aller Anfang



Wieder ins Wasser gesprungen - Lospaddeln und Entdecken

Ein neues Projekt ist im kreativen Prozess. 


Plattform für das Matching von Arbeitnehmer_innen mit Unternehmen. In einem Arbeitnehmer_innenmarkt entsteht ein neues Selbstbewusstsein der Arbeitnehmer_innen. Sie treten als Expert_innen auf den Platz und brauchen andere Formen, um sich Unternehmen in ihren Stärken und Potenzialen wirkungsstark vorzustellen.

Wir gestalten die Reise explizit als Beteiligungsprozess. Seid dabei. 

I work with


team retreats
organizational identity
strategy development
culture change
future visions


get to know yourself
biographical writing
make decisions
find courage
career path

"Danielle has been my coach and business mentor since 2019. My career has developed fast and today I run an non-profit organisation, which is now located in three parts of Denmark. Danielle's skills within  project management, motivation, taking action, working with discomfort have helped develop on a personal level which has been crucial to develop the organisation."

Ditte Bjerregaard, Director of Center for Violence Prevention, Kopenhagen, DK

What sets me apart

I see people as they are. With analyzing, empathetic questions, I get closer to the core of people. There they find their answers and become aware of their own solutions.

Enabling me to do this, my power of words, my perspective as a photographer and my warmth as well as my courage and my directness. 


 In German and English, I move safely between cultures and worlds. My professional attitude and knowledge are made up of the contexts of the semiconductor industry, sustainable fashion world, welfare, club culture and management consulting as well as years of stays in the USA and Denmark. I am familiar with the rules, legalities and thinking of the different industries.



Hast du einen lieben Menschen, der etwas
noch nicht WEISS

Verhilf diesem Lieblingsmensch durch das Coaching zu mehr Klarheit.

upcoming events

  • Komplimenteabend
    Tue, May 28
    Online: Zoom Meeting
    May 28, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
    Online: Zoom Meeting
    Mehr Selbstlob für das eigene Wohlbefinden. Fühl dich eingeladen zu einem Abend, der nur dazu dient, dir selbst Komplimente zu machen. Wie das geht? Ich leite dich/euch an. Du brauchst nichts vorbereiten. Lege dir Schreibzeug bereit. Mach es dir gemütlich.
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